Featured In

Starting a business - a rollercoaster of fear and excitement, exhaustion and fulfillment. But moments like this make it all worth it!
I'm honored to be featured in CanvasRebel, sharing my journey, lessons learned, and what keeps me going.

The Scout Guide Columbus | Vol.9
A city guide dedicated to supporting small businesses that help shape our community. LeKa Bliss is thrilled to be featured in this year's Volume 9 along with other amazing local businesses!

The Scout Guide Columbus | Vol.8
A city guide dedicated to supporting small businesses that help shape our community. LeKa Bliss is thrilled to be featured in this year's Volume 8 along with other amazing local businesses!

Hardgrove Collective
Megan Hardgrove is an Ohio Realtor who loves interior design, a great cocktail, and all things home. Last year, LeKa Bliss was featured in her 2023 Holiday Guide!

Light Up the Lawn, Light Up a Life
In November 2023, Nationwide Children’s launched "Light Up the Lawn, Light Up a Life," a heartwarming holiday tradition to uplift hospitalized children, families, and healthcare heroes. The Livingston Avenue lawn transforms with a stunning butterfly-themed light display, where each $10 donation brings vibrant butterflies to life. This brings joy to pediatric patients and families during the holidays, inviting the community to join in making a meaningful impact for those away from home.